It’s Almost Time! What to Pack for Your Birth Center Birth
Your due date is rapidly approaching, and let’s face it, you’re probably playing the waiting game. In that final stretch of days, nesting takes over, and you do everything you can to prepare for your new arrival.
Finishing touches in the nursery. Check!
Tiny clothes are hung and folded. Check!
Car seats are properly installed. Check!
Bags are packed…?
It may feel like you need to pack everything but the kitchen sink for your labor and birth, but you don’t! It’s not as overwhelming as you think!
What Do YOU Need?
Each of our three private birth suites is fully equipped with everything you need for your labor and birth experience. So when it comes to packing your bag for your birth center birth, it’s important to focus on bringing the items that are going to enhance your experience.
Comfortable clothes to wear during labor and birth (bathing suit, bra, swimsuit/shorts for your partner, etc.) Keep in mind that you may be transferring in and out of the tub. Make sure you have a nursing bra or bikini top that is easy to remove for skin-to-skin immediately after birth (no sports bras!)
Nursing bra, nightgown, robe, and comfortable, loose-fitting clothes for postpartum
Hair ties and headbands
Depends adult diapers or full-size stretchy underwear
Flip flops or non-skid socks
Birthing playlist and speaker
Long phone charging cord
Your favorite drinks and snacks - Columbia Birth Center can provide granola bars, trail mix, and juice. You are welcome to have food delivered 24/7, with limited options depending on the time of day.
Personal hygiene products - shower supplies, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, hairbrush, extra contacts, glasses, makeup removal wipes, facewash, etc. (Lotions and deodorant are strongly discouraged in the tub.)
App for contractions and postpartum tracking
We strive to give every client a stress-free experience with exceptional care that goes far beyond the walls of our birth center. That’s why every family goes home with items for an herbal bath, helpful hints, and resources.
What Does YOUR BABY Need?
Your baby doesn’t require too much outside of your warm hugs and snuggles, but there are a few things you will want to have ready to go.
Diapers and wipes will be provided while you are at the birth center, but make sure you have a supply at home. Pack extras if you have a specific brand you are going to be using.
Two special outfits for your baby, including socks, hats, etc.
1-2 swaddle blankets
Properly installed car seat
For Your Support Team
Columbia Birth Center welcomes those you love to join your celebration! Guests are invited into your birth suite or may enjoy our living room area complete with:
Comfortable couches for resting and sleeping
Dining table
The Columbia Birth Center Difference
Our quiet, warm, and safe environment creates the perfect background for your labor and birth. Whether you want your entire family present or an experience more private, your choices will be respected and supported with so much love. That’s all that matters. So, if you forget to pack something, that’s ok! Being prepared is important, but don’t lose sight of the miracle that is about to take place. We are honored to guide you through this journey every step of the way.