In Her Own Words: Mckenna’s Birth Story
The Columbia Birth Center staff treasures every second of relationship-building with our clients. We value each mother, their family, friends, and support team as part of our family. Because of this, every birth story feels personal to us. We have the honor of witnessing a woman achieve her goal, hearing her triumphantly say after giving birth, “I did it!”
Mckenna is part of the Columbia Birth Center family and shares the empowerment she experienced during labor and birth.
Mckenna’s Experience
To say that I am grateful to have made the switch to Columbia Birth Center late in my pregnancy would be an understatement. The whole team welcomed me with open arms, ready to learn about the type of birth I wanted to have. They made me feel like family instead of just another patient. They were intentional, supportive, and kind. They truly made my experience unlike anything I have ever received from previous care.
My first birth was with an OBGYN at a hospital. I was told Pitocin was 100% necessary, then encouraged to get an epidural early in labor. When I left the hospital, I wasn’t checked in on. I was just left on my own to figure things out. This time around, I knew I wanted a different experience. At Columbia Birth Center, I was asked what I wanted rather than told what to do.
On March 14th, I was 39 weeks/1 day pregnant and beyond ready to have this baby. My husband, Austin, took me to the store to get the ingredients for “midwives brew” and drank it around 8:30 pm. By 11:30 pm, my contractions started, but I was doubtful they would progress to real labor. They continued to get closer and stronger, and by 1:30 am, we were on our way to the birth center.
Upon arrival, I was already 8cm dilated and fully effaced, ready to do the dang thing…or so I thought. I spent the next six hours breathing through every contraction, moving from bathtub to bed, walking the hallway, and repeatedly reminding myself that “I can do this. God made my body to do this. Every contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby. I never have to feel that contraction again. I’m so close.”
“I can do this. God made my body to do this. Every contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby. I never have to feel that contraction again. I’m so close.”
Around 7:30 am on March 15th, I was giving up. I was so exhausted and close to telling Austin I couldn’t do it anymore. I sobbed and started vomiting. My birth team responded, saying, “That’s a good sign!”
My midwife, Jenn, decided to have me stand through the next contraction and have Austin stand behind me, wrapping his hands around the bottom of my belly and lifting as I contracted. As soon as he lifted, my bag of water popped, and I collapsed to the ground. The fetal ejection reflex immediately kicked in, and I couldn’t help but push through the pain. I got back into the bathtub before the next contraction began, and within six minutes, our baby boy was earthside!
I am so proud of myself for sticking to my plan of having an unmedicated waterbirth and pushing through. I am amazed at what my body was able to do, and still in shock that I did it! I couldn’t have done it without my amazing birth team and husband, encouraging me and leading me through every moment. We are currently living in newborn heaven and are so happy to have our little boy in our arms!
Thank you to Jenn and Sierra for remaining solely focused on my baby and me for nine hours! They provided incredible care while offering knowledge on different birthing positions and “normal” bodily functions during labor. They made me feel like I was in control of my labor, and they were my biggest cheerleaders! But their care didn’t stop once I gave birth. Postpartum appointments have been amazing. Having Jenn come to our house 24 hours after delivery was so nice! I was able to relax on my couch while she checked our baby and me. Since then, I have been checked on daily, and I know help is just a phone call away.
To any woman thinking of having an unmedicated birth, trust me when I say that YOU CAN DO IT! It was invaluable having the Columbia Birth Center team by my side! Contact them, and you will be empowered and supported every step of the way!
The Columbia Birth Center Model
Being able to support clients in having the pregnancy, labor, and birth they deserve is why we do what we do. Our role is to guide you through every option so you can make the right choices for you. You are in control.
We invite you to browse our website for more information and see our new office for yourself! Let us show you exactly what care at Columbia Birth Center is all about!