Valuable Tips For Your Support Partner

pregnant woman

Congratulations on your journey to parenthood! As you prepare for the miraculous experience of childbirth, an important aspect to focus on is your support system. A supportive partner is a gift when they are by your side, offering love, patience, and understanding. 

Whoever your birth partner is—the baby's father, a close friend, a partner, or another relative—they may not know the best ways to support you before, during, and after birth. Columbia Birth Center will help you and your partner navigate the beauty of childbirth and cherish each moment along the way.

Start by sharing these valuable tips and the support we offer you along the way.


Before Birth

Attend Prenatal Classes Together

Joining prenatal classes with your partner can be incredibly beneficial. It's an opportunity to learn about childbirth, practice relaxation techniques, and bond with each other and other expecting parents.

At Columbia Birth Center, we offer a one-day intensive birth class, which you’ll complete by the 36th week of your pregnancy if this is your first delivery with us. This class focuses on how to support you in having an amazing birth and post-partum at our center. In addition, we also offer optional classes to educate and empower you during your birth experience.  

If this is your first child, we recommend taking an additional 5-6 week childbirth series and doing some further reading together to prepare for your birth.  Several good options are available on our events calendar for classes offered online or at our center.

Listen and Communicate

Birth is an emotional experience. Take the time to listen to your partner's thoughts, fears, and desires regarding childbirth. Open communication builds trust and strengthens your connection, helping you feel more prepared and supported. For some people, having active involvement and communication can make the whole process more memorable; for others, just having someone there who cares and supports you is all that is really needed while you go inward on this incredible birth journey.

Educate Yourselves

Work together to educate yourselves about the birthing process, including various labor and delivery scenarios, pain management options, and potential complications. Being knowledgeable allows you to make informed decisions together with your partner and provide effective support during labor.

Our blog contains excellent articles and resources to help answer your questions and prepare you for the best experience together.

Come to Appointments Together

Come to your prenatal appointments together whenever possible. You’ll have a prenatal appointment at CBC every four to six weeks until 28 weeks of pregnancy. Then, you’ll come in every two to three weeks until around 36 weeks of pregnancy. At that point, you will have weekly appointments until your baby is born. Your partner is welcome to join you for any of your visits. 

We want you to have the personal care and attention you deserve. We welcome anyone from your support system to attend your appointments, including other children. Having our midwives get to know the important people in your life only enhances their relationship with you. You will hear your baby’s heartbeat, and the midwife will measure your baby’s growth and review what is happening with you and your baby. These appointments are designed to be informative, personalized, and supportive.

During Birth

Be Present and Encouraging

Your partner’s presence and encouragement can make a significant difference during labor. Offering words of affirmation, holding your hand, and providing physical comfort can provide a calming presence that alleviates anxiety and provides reassurance.

Assist with Comfort Measures

Whatever kind of birth you plan, your birth partner can keep you company and help pass the time during the early stages. They can also hold your hand, aid in breathing techniques, wipe your face, give you sips of water, massage your back and shoulders, and help you move and change positions.

Act as Your Advocate

Your partner can advocate for your wishes and ensure your birth plan is respected. When you’re in labor, you’ll want someone who can communicate on your behalf, asking questions and seeking clarification when necessary. Things can change during labor and delivery, so your partner is there to support your decisions, such as the pain relief you choose, even if those choices are different from your initial birth plan. Your partner can also tell you what's happening as your baby is born if you cannot see for yourself. Being your advocate empowers your partner and reinforces your sense of control during childbirth.

After Birth

Provide Emotional Support

The postpartum period can be emotionally challenging for both partners. You’ll need your partner to lend a listening ear when you need to talk and offer you patience, understanding, and reassurance as you navigate the joys and challenges of welcoming your new baby into your home. It’s normal to have mood swings as your hormones re-stabilize to their non-pregnant state.  However, your partner can help tremendously by letting us know if you are becoming depressed, by giving you a break so you can catch up on your sleep, and by being that presence you can count on.

Assist with Practical Tasks

Household chores, baby care, and other daily tasks aren’t something one partner can do. Involve your whole support system to help alleviate some of the burdens of everyday life that still occur even after you have a newborn. Allow people to bring your meals, wash your dishes, clean your house, and run errands for you. By sharing these responsibilities, you create a supportive environment that allows you time and energy to focus on bonding with your baby.

Emphasize Self-Care

It’s difficult to prioritize self-care and rest as you adjust to motherhood. Let your partner or one of your support members take on caregiving duties while you take a nap, get a shower, or engage in activities that help you recharge. The rest of the family will do well when you're doing well.

New mother holding baby

Support at Columbia Birth Center

At Columbia Birth Center, we understand the importance of comprehensive support for expecting families. You and your partner will love our beautiful birth suites and how our peaceful atmosphere and soothing amenities promote relaxation and comfort during labor. At Columbia Birth Center, you and all members of your support team are cared for by our staff, so you can concentrate on caring for your baby.

Our experienced team of midwives and support staff is dedicated to providing personalized care throughout your pregnancy, birth, and beyond. You and your partner will have our skilled team's continuous support and encouragement every step of the way.  We even offer postpartum care and resources to support your transition to parenthood, including lactation support, newborn care guidance, and emotional support services.

At Columbia Birth Center, we are committed to empowering you and your partner to have a positive and memorable childbirth experience. With our compassionate care and support, you can embrace this transformative journey with confidence and joy.


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