“I’m Nervous About Breastfeeding”

As you prepare for the birth of your baby, it’s an exciting time. You may also feel overwhelmed by how many decisions you need to make and how much your life will change with this new addition to your family. There’s no need to face the transition alone. At Columbia Birth Center, you’re surrounded by a supportive team that will walk you through all the pros and cons of the choices and lifestyle changes you may face. Every family is unique; therefore, everyone’s experience will be different. 

We know one of the most significant decisions is how you’ll feed your baby. For many first-time moms, the thought of breastfeeding draws anxiety and fear of the unknown. You don’t know what to expect, worry about potential pain, or wonder if you’ll be capable. Veteran moms may have had a negative experience with another child and feel skeptical about trying again.

Breastfeeding is not always easy, but it’s a challenge worth fighting for if it is the route you would like to take. It’s a commitment to your health and the health and nutrition of your child. The CDC cites five great benefits of breastfeeding that are worth exploring. 

The baby’s health is always the first priority. In circumstances where breastfeeding is not possible or desired, using donor milk or formula is most definitely appropriate. Every journey is unique!


Five Benefits Of Breastfeeding

1. Exceptional Health & Nutritional Value

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies and promotes gut health. As the baby grows, your breast milk will also change to meet your baby’s nutritional needs.

2. Protection Against Some Illness and Disease

According to the CDC, breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). They’re also less likely to have ear infections and stomach bugs. 

3. Stronger Immune Systems

Babies begin life with no immune system of their own. Breast milk shares antibodies from the mother to her baby. These antibodies help the baby develop a stronger immune system to protect against illnesses. 

4. It’s Convenient, Affordable, & Comforting

Mothers can breastfeed anytime and anywhere, and it costs nothing, and your milk is always at the right temperature and free of contamination. When traveling, breastfeeding can also provide a source of comfort for babies whose normal routine is disrupted.

5. Reduce YOUR Risk Of Some Diseases

Breastfeeding has health benefits for the mother too! Breastfeeding can reduce your risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Plus, an added perk of breastfeeding is weight loss.


The Obstacles Are Real

While there is clear evidence that breastfeeding reduces many different health risks for mothers and babies, we understand there are numerous barriers to breastfeeding. Besides the fear of the unknown, moms sometimes experience sore nipples, engorged breasts, mastitis, leaking milk, pain, and failure to latch on by the infant. The obstacles are real, which is why we believe most moms need support, education, and encouragement to succeed. 

Columbia Birth Center is here to help ensure you and your baby get off to a good start. Our goal is to equip all moms to be prepared and confident.


Get Support, Education, & Encouragement

The first step is to gain insight and knowledge in a supportive, trusted environment. Sign up for one of our breastfeeding basics classes, which is offered to any mom, whether you’re birthing with us or not. This class covers all aspects of breastfeeding, including (but not limited to) what to expect in the first weeks and beyond, how to avoid difficulties, and what to do if you’re returning to work.

If you are one of our birth clients, we offer you lactation visits at the birth center and private lactation home visits 24/7. Under the supervision of our midwives, we can help you identify lactation barriers, including signs of oral ties, and guidance for further referral and evaluation.

For ongoing support, join us for our monthly Breastfeeding Hang-out and Baby and Me group—both are free to anyone. These are great opportunities for mother-to-mother sharing in a friendly and accepting atmosphere where you can discuss your own experiences, get/give suggestions, and find excellent support and encouragement. 


Don’t Think Of It As All-Or-Nothing

Not everyone can breastfeed or continue breastfeeding for as long as they’d like for various reasons. Every family’s situation is different. You may choose to breastfeed for a shorter time or combine breastfeeding with baby formula. Or maybe you will nurse your little ones for two years or more. Whatever decision is best for you and your baby.

Let us support you! Reach out to Columbia Birth Center today with all your questions about breastfeeding and what to expect. We’re here to help!


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