The Value of Having a Birth Center Birth

Pregnancy is a wondrous experience! Hearing your baby’s little heartbeat, feeling soccer-strength kicks from within, buying tiny clothes for the person inside, and planning for your future family are all part of your memorable journey. And while these 40 weeks are filled with anticipation, significant decisions must be made.

Once you begin sharing your pregnancy news, you are instantly met with a massive influx of information and unsolicited advice that is not always factual. People feel the need to share their “scary stories” while inquiring:

  • Where are you giving birth?

  • Who is your doctor?

  • Are you going to try to give birth naturally?

  • Will you breastfeed?

  • Who will be in the room with you?

You may feel overwhelmed and unprepared to answer all the questions. That’s ok! It’s necessary to take the time to figure out how you want to welcome your baby into this world. 

We are here to help you sort through all of your options. 

Education starts by receiving evidence supporting alternative options so you can make the best choices based on your needs. Think about the freedom of creating your own birth experience; it’s priceless! That is the value of having a birth center birth.

Father Helping with Ultrasound

It’s YOUR Journey

First and foremost, this experience belongs to YOU! Our role is to guide you so you can actively participate in every decision about your labor and delivery. This model of care sets us apart because YOU are in control!

A Natural Birth Experience 

The desire to have a natural birth experience is what draws women to Columbia Birth Center. While you may see the many benefits of natural birthing for yourself and your baby, you may also feel nervous about the unknown. That’s normal. Lack of knowledge may contribute to your fear of allowing your body to do what it was designed to do. 

Through longer prenatal appointments and birth education classes, you will be fully empowered to make the decisions that are right for you. From start to finish, we want you to have the personal care and attention you deserve with the education that will prepare you for this experience.

The Value of Birth Center Care

So the burning question remains, “Why would I want to give birth at a birth center instead of a hospital?” 

Plain and simple – the value of birth center care is immeasurable. At Columbia Birth Center:

  • Birth is treated as a celebrated life event, not a medical procedure. 

  • Prenatal care is highly personalized.

  • We care for the woman, not just her baby.

  • Three birth suites create an intimate, private, calm, quiet, and home-like environment. 

  • Warm and supportive staff welcome your family and friends.

  • Relationships are developed with your providers. They will know you and the people you love. They will be with you from active labor until you leave the center.

  • Fewer interventions, unless medically necessary, are performed.  All care is evidence-based for healthy families.

  • Each birth suite has access to waterbirth, nitrous oxide, and continuous labor support.

  • You are empowered to birth your way, with the people you want, in the position you want, with the support you ask for.  

  • Early discharge (4-6 hours) is available for healthy families, with home visit support afterward.

  • 24/7 breastfeeding support is just a call away. 

  • Costs are less expensive. For most clients, the birth center with midwives is less costly than the hospital with physicians. This is especially important for those whose insurance requires co-insurance.

Giving birth is the most personal experience a woman can go through. At Columbia Birth Center, communication between the midwife and the client is the key ingredient to having the birth you desire. We promote shared discussion about your options, but ultimately, every decision belongs to the client. 

Is it Safe?

Numerous studies support the safety of birthing in a free-standing birth center for women who have had healthy pregnancies. The highest safety measures are in place to ensure the quality of care for every client. 

  • All Columbia Birth Center providers are state licensed and nationally certified. 

  • Regular safety drills provide practice for handling rare events.

  • Equipment needed for moms and babies who need extra help is readily available. (Clients are educated in advance about these interventions.)

  • Kadlec Regional Medical Center is 200 feet away.

Along with the strictest safety measures, Columbia Birth Center midwives stay up-to-date on the latest medical and midwifery research, including:

  • New medications.

  • Changes in state law that affect midwifery practice.

  • Neonatal Resuscitation and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation.

  • Continuing education requirements of their licensure.

Our safety policies, combined with emergency equipment and medications required for licensure by the State Department of Health, ensure that Columbia Birth Center offers the highest standard of care for women and babies.

Your Experience is Respected

Columbia Birth Center strives to give you the experience you deserve! Our sensitive, supportive approach to childbirth allows you the freedom to design your birth. Remember, this is your journey! You are not just another client to us. Your choices matter. Your voice will be heard, and ultimately, you will be in control. There is significant value in that.

We invite you to browse our website for more information and tour our new office for yourself! Let us prove the value of having a birth center birth!

Columbia Birth Center - Natural and Water Birth

In Her Own Words: Mckenna’s Birth Story


Your Complete Guide to “Normal” Pregnancy Symptoms