Post-Partum Care at Columbia Birth Center

With all of the preparation that labor and birth require, families risk missing out on crucial preparation for the “fourth trimester.” Post-partum care should not be ignored, but it is frequently met with a lack of support, education, or compassion. The minutes, hours, days, and weeks after a baby is born are just as important as the previous 40 weeks. 

Woman Sitting on Doctors Table

Our Philosophy

At Columbia Birth Center, we pride ourselves on providing competent, personalized maternity care from the very beginning of your pregnancy and far beyond. We go the extra mile to ensure every client and their baby is lovingly cared for in the weeks after birth. 

Our post-partum philosophy is simple:

If the client has a problem, the baby has a problem; if the baby has a problem, the client has a problem. It is best to have a midwife who can take care of both.

So, how do we accomplish such personalized post-partum attention?

Birth…What Happens Next?

Post-partum care at Columbia Birth Center is centered around the essential act of bonding. We refer to the time immediately after birth as the “Golden Hour.” During this precious time, an increased amount of oxytocin, the love hormone, is circulating in mom, dad, and baby, directly impacting bonding and relaxation. The baby is usually skin-to-skin, making eye contact with their parents. 

We make it a priority to ensure the family has as much uninterrupted time with their baby as possible, doing our best to remain “hands off” by:  

  • Delaying cord clamping

  • Keeping mom and baby together at all times

  • Only performing vital tests

The “Golden Hour” is brief, so it is necessary to guard it closely while being actively aware of physical transitioning. 

During the first 30 minutes of resting, the uterus is reshaping itself to deliver the placenta, the organ that has been sustaining your baby. Once the placenta is delivered, we watch for blood loss and the integrity of the perineum. The baby is encouraged to latch at this time as well. 

After two to four hours of resting, eating, breastfeeding, and bonding, mom has a hot shower and gets dressed. She starts to feel like her non-laboring self again. Most clients are ready for a nap in their own beds by this point.  They prepare to leave the birth center soon, depending on birth events, transitioning, good latching, time of day/night, weather, fatigue, etc.  Most healthy moms and babies leave about 3-6 hours after the birth.

These moments are not rushed. Every single thing we do is centered around you and your new family having the time you deserve to absorb this experience. 

The 10-12 Hour Check In

Once clients are discharged from the birth center, we check in with them a few hours later to ensure everything is going well. It may seem simple, but this call helps avoid breastfeeding troubles and gives us time to discuss any new questions, specific postpartum issues, or care instructions you may still need.  

You are not expected to figure things out on your own. Smaller problems are easier to fix than big ones, so every client is strongly encouraged to call or text their midwife sooner than later, at any time. 

The Home Visit

The required home visit occurs no more than two days post-partum. It is a beloved time where mom and baby are assessed physically and emotionally from the comfort of their home.

The midwife, usually the one from your birth, performs testing on the baby that the state requires (metabolic screening, CCHD screening for heart defects, and hearing screening). We assess breastfeeding (if the baby cooperates) and check the parent’s log of the baby’s activity, voiding, and stooling. The birthing person’s uterus is checked to make sure it is cramping down as it should, the perineum is checked if a repair was done, and the bleeding is checked.  We may check other things, such as vitals, depending on the situation.

The entire visit usually takes an hour, but the length of time varies depending on what we see. Again, we take our time to give you and your baby the best care possible.  

After the first home visit, we typically see clients at least once more before their two-week office visit. This appointment is completed within the client’s home or at our office and varies depending on the client’s needs and any necessary follow-ups.

Natural Birth Healthcare Provider

Your 2-Week Office Visit

At 10-14 days post-partum, mom and baby are assessed at Columbia Birth Center. Attention is primarily focused on the baby as we perform the second metabolic screening and check the baby’s weight and overall health before they go to the pediatrician. 

For the client, the uterus is examined to ensure it is returning to its pre-pregnancy size. Bleeding is also assessed. We pay special attention to how much sleep the client is getting and whether there are any signs of post–partum depression. Finally, we review contraception plans and educate about resuming sexual activity. 

Your Final Visit

A client’s six-week post-partum visit completes her pregnancy care at Columbia Birth Center. During this crucial appointment, the birth is reviewed, and additional questions are answered. We take extra time to educate the client about things she can do to protect her health and prepare for any future pregnancies. We also complete a final physical exam and ensure that all well-person needs are met (immunizations, weight control, safety, mental health, exercise, etc.) 

From there, we are just a phone call away. Clients are free to call, text, or make an office visit at any time. 

As questions arise, issues occur, or you just need to talk something out, we’re here for you. We prefer clients to contact us immediately, 24 hours a day, without hesitation for urgent matters, and the very next business day for things that are not urgent. 

We Stay By Your Side

Providing quality, personalized post-partum attention continues to set us apart from standard hospital care. We don’t force clients to remain in the birth center if they are ready to go home, and we don’t dismiss any concerns by sending clients to urgent care. We truly know our clients and spend time developing a relationship full of trust and mutual respect. Those qualities are exhibited in the care we provide long after pregnancy.

We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about Columbia Birth Center and the outstanding maternity care we offer. Then come see us! Tour our new location and get to know what Columbia Birth Center is all about. 



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