She Dreamed About Having A Natural Birth Experience

Kristina Richmond’s Birth Story

“My Columbia Birth Center experience was much different than my first delivery in the hospital. I felt confident, comfortable, and highly encouraged. Anytime I was worried about anything, my midwife walked me through it and made me feel at ease.”

- K r i s t i n a R i c h m o n d

Having Babies - Columbia Birth Center - Natural and Water Birth

Kristina Richmond always dreamed about having a natural birth experience. Her first birth experience was in a local hospital, but Kristina reached out to Columbia Birth Center when she found out she was expecting her second child. We asked her to share her experience because we know it is empowering to hear the fearless birth stories of our clients.

What was one of the biggest differences you experienced at Columbia Birth Center?

From the very beginning, I felt a huge difference. I genuinely connected with my midwives, starting with my prenatal appointments. They listened to my questions and educated me so I could make the best decisions along the way.

What was your labor experience like?

Well, I was a couple of days past my due date when I woke up during the night experiencing small contractions. That continued throughout the night and into the following day. By 2:00 that afternoon, I called my mother-in-law to get my son because I thought the contractions would probably get stronger soon. But I didn’t anticipate how long it would take for that to happen.

By late afternoon, I decided we should go into the birthing center. I was disappointed I was only 2cm dilated. We returned home, made dinner, and went for a short walk. I was ready for the baby to get here!

Finally, at 9:30 that night, the contractions got much stronger—5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute. This time I called the midwives at the birth center, and they suggested I stay home a little longer. This whole time, everyone was so friendly and empathetic.

Yes, we know it’s hard to wait. So, when did things finally progress?

It was around 11:00 pm when I found it much harder to get through contractions. I decided it was probably time to go in, and I was right. When we arrived, the midwife checked, and I was 9cm dilated. So, it was go-time.

How exciting! And what was the birth like for you?

I wanted a waterbirth, so I immediately got into the tub. The water and the atmosphere made everything calmer for me. Not long after I settled into the water, I felt the urge to push. At first, I fought it because I was nervous. My midwife was right there, listening to me and encouraging me. 

She suggested, “Try just one push and see how it goes.”  

I moved onto my knees, tried one push, and my water broke. Then, my body completely took over and started pushing on its own. I pushed three more times, and my baby boy was born. My body did everything I needed it to do, and I had no tearing. 

I remember my first words. “I really did it!” 

We moved into the bed, where I delivered the placenta and started breastfeeding. My husband and I felt like we were in our own bubble with our son for the first few hours. The midwives checked me occasionally, but that time was special and intimate. 

Then, it was time to go home. We were only at the birth center for 5 hours before we arrived back home and settled in with our newest family member.


What are your final thoughts on your birth center experience?

The one thing that stands out to me the most is that, right after giving birth to our son, I wished I could do it all over again. 

I recommend Columbia Birth Center to anyone.

Are You Pregnant or Planning To Become Pregnant? Three Things To Consider:

1. Know your options. Many people think a hospital birth is the only option, but that’s not true. Know that you have options regarding your pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Like, Kristina, ask yourself what you want your birth experience to look like. She always dreamed of having a natural birth, and Columbia Birth Center made that possible. 

2. Explore your options. Maybe you’re uncertain which option is best or right for you. Research and check out any options that appeal to you. What’s right for one person isn’t necessarily right for another. Do what feels most comfortable to you. Reach out to Columbia Birth Center and have a consultation with us. There’s no commitment. The right choice for you will be clear to YOU.

3. Sign up for classes. Columbia Birth Center offers classes that will inform you and prepare you for everything from prenatal care to childbirth to breastfeeding. Learning will help relieve the stress of the unexpected.

Please contact us if you have additional questions or want to find out if you qualify for our birth center care.

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